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Mr. Raymond Slack


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Bibliographical data of laws

Indicate the name of the law, the year essay writing service it was enacted, the area of operation (federal law, state law), the exact title of the law, and the location.

Reproductive Medicine Act. 1992. federal law: Forpflanzunggsmedizingesetz - FmedG and amendment of the general civil code, the marriage law and the jurisdiction norm. Vienna.

Bibliographic information of contributions from the Internet

For contributions from the Internet, in addition to the name of the author(s), year of publication, and title of the cited article, indicate the location where the cited article can be found, i.e., the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the page. Be sure to indicate when you accessed the web page (= your access date), i.e. the date and possibly the time. If the author, year of publication and title cannot be determined, at least enter the URL. If there is a first creation date and a date of further editing, enter these data as well. Make this clear by the respective additional designation.

a) In the text you can either use the entire source citation: (01.04.2005, 06:07).

b) or you use a short source citation, i.e. the first word of the internet source: lateinamericanstudies 2005

The bibliography and source list will then say:

c) If the first word of the Internet source does not give a clue to the content of the source: coursework writing help, choose a distinctive word for the short reference in the text: Maori 2005.

The bibliography and source list will then say:

d) A further possibility of the use in the text is the designation and numbering of the Internet source as.

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Note for diploma students