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Mr. Mark Almont


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3551 Thrash Trail
Tyler, TX
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PREFERRED: (903) 591-4881



Social Engineering

Something that seems to fall between the cracks and get lost among all the talk of bailouts, recessions, and other issues is education. And yet you would be hard-pressed to hear about it on any nightly news program. Why?

Gay rights was an issue during the campaign that received more attention than it deserved. Regardless of how you feel about it, that particular issue directly affects a very small percentage of the population. Fine that it's an issue, yet there are more pressing issues, I should think, for people (and legislators) to think about.

Education, it seems, has fallen by the wayside. Why? Because legislators either want to throw money at the problem or ignore it. The solution is simple because the problem is simple. The problem is this: schools are not in the business of educating children anymore. There are various services such as essay service reviews that do everything for students. Children simply degrade. Rather, they are in the business of making children socially acceptable to their peers. It has nothing to do with rich schools, poor schools, vouchers . . . It has everything to do with what the student learns while to school. Think about it.

The amount of money the federal government has spent on public education has doubled in the past thirty years. That's great, I suppose, even though the feds pay less than half of the tab (the states pay the majority). This is throwing money at the problem. Yet, what are the results? What are we getting for the money?

The dropout rate is around 10% (nationally), which is better than it was. But many students these days have a hard time finding the United States on a world map, let alone the state of Texas. They have a hard time understanding the basics of algebra or trigonometry. And how many can do division without a calculator?

We can ignore the problem, yet what is the result? More of what's happening now. Children not learning. Why? Because they (teachers) are so busy keeping their jobs they haven't the time to actually do their jobs. Little Johnny can't spell? Well, pass him anyway and later in life he can just use a spell-checker. Little Suzie can't add? Well, pass her anyway since she can buy a calculator anywhere.

What's happening in the schools, then? Well, kids in middle school need condoms, of course, right? Eleven-year-old children need condoms. No more soft drinks or potato chips at the cafeteria because little Johnny or little Suzy might get fat. They might not learn anything, teachers and administrators think, but at least they won't get fat. And, of course, much more. None of which have the slightest to-do with actually educating the kids.

Schools are for education. Period. It is dreadful, sure, to sit in classrooms all day and learn things many think they will never need in future years. Happened to me, happened to you. That's why it's called school and not fun. But our tax dollars seem to be spent not educating the kids.

What's the solution? More money? No. Simply this: Forget about the condoms and all the programs that have nothing to do with learning. Put the money that's there to good use so when someone applies for a job they can actually spell and speak clearly. Kids don't want to learn, or disrupt the class? Kick 'em out. You cannot have a class of thirty kids held hostage because 1 or 2 kids don't want to learn. Kick 'em out and save the 28 who do want to learn. Otherwise, you lose them all.

The School is for learning, not for social engineering. Teachers need to teach, and parents need to parent. It's a symbiotic relationship.

For you teachers out there, think about how much of your time is spent actually teaching. For your school administrators out there, are you really providing your teachers with the tools and environment they need in order to perform their jobs? If not, why not?

And for you parents out there, remember they are your children.




More resources:

Proof of knowledge of the Czech language

After graduation

Stella Corell's Successful Student Rules

Enhancing cognitive activity in history lessons

7 tips for better memorization of information


The University of Texas at Tyler
Tyler, Texas, United States
2010 To 2015

Job History

Tyler, TX, United States
June 2010 - present